Mechanical Characteristics of New Twin-block Ballastless Track on Intercity Railway Bridge |
WANG Weihua1, GAO Zihang1, ZHANG Qian2 |
1. China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin 300308, China; 2. Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China |
Abstract Research purposes: To optimize the design of the ballastless track structure of intercity railway, a new type of twin-block ballastless track structure on a bridge was presented in this paper, which adopted the single layer track bed plate and was equipped with a new angle steel-double block sleeper. In this paper, a new coupling mechanical model for the double-block ballastless track was established, and the static characteristics and dynamic response of the track under typical loads were analyzed. Research conclusions: (1) The new angle steel twin-block sleeper and the track bed plate are well connected, and when bearing the load, the angle steel, sleeper, and track bed are deformed together, and the force of the angle steel and sleeper does not exceed the ultimate strength of the material. (2) When the new twin-block ballastless track is subjected to train load, temperature gradient, and overall temperature load, the stress and deformation of the track bed are better, and the structural strength meets the design requirements of intercity railway. (3) When the intercity railway adopts the new twin-block ballastless track, the track could provide a smooth and stable running surface for the train, the dynamic response of the intercity train is small, and the safety and stationarity indicators are less than the limit value. (4) The single-layer track bed will not cause much change in the stiffness of the rail-bridge system, the vertical displacement of the rail is small, and the dynamic response of the track bed plate is small because of the close connection between the track bed plate and the beam surface. (5) The research results can provide theoretical support for the optimal design of intercity railway track structures.
Received: 12 December 2023
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