A Rail Wear Detection Method with Improved Radius Constrained Circle Fitting Algorithm |
LUO Qingli1, CHEN Zhiyuan1, ZHANG Shubin1, SHI Debin2, TAN Zhao2, GAN Jun2 |
1. State key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2. China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin 300308, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Rail wear detection is an important method to ensure track quality and safe operation of the track system. Traditional rail inspection methods rely on the manual measuring of the rail profile with specific instruments and then the rail wear can be calculated. These methods require a great deal of manpower and material resources. The non-contact measurement method with line structured light provides quick and efficient measurement of the rail profile and wear calculation in real-time, and its high detection efficiency and safety have high potential applications. Research conclusions: (1) Outlier removal algorithm can effectively remove the rail profile noise due to sampling of the line structured light. (2) The interpolation algorithm combined with the characteristics of the structure proportion of 60 kg rail can accurately segment the rail profile. (3) The coordinates of the circle center of selected rail section is extracted precisely by radius constraint-based circle fitting algorithm. (4) The results of the wear detection experiment show that after using the rail wear detection method, the root mean square error of the total rail wear is 0.08 mm, which can meet the requirements of rail wear detection. (5) The research results can provide reference for the operation and maintenance of rail transit.
Received: 21 June 2022
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