The Application Research on Real 3D Technology in Integrated Traffic Project Management |
XIE Yalong1, YANG Wei1, YIN Xunxiao1, SONG Ge2, LIAO Li2, REN Jiaqi1 |
1. China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing 100081, China; 2. China Railway Construction Management Co. Ltd,Beijing 100844,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Integrated traffic projects has a series of management problems such as there are many professions in the industry, the overall management is difficult, the process conversion and interface engineering is complex, and the dynamic management and scheduling requirements are high. Based on the Xiongan-Xinzhou High-speed Railway Xiongan underground section and related projects, this paper studied 3D semantic database, multi-source and multi-dimensional spatio-temporal data fusion, 3D visualization and spatio-temporal correlation image and other technologies, realized three-dimensional, digital and integrated management of engineering construction based on real 3D, and improved the comprehensive management efficiency of cross-industry projects. Research conclusions: (1) The real 3D technical architecture was designed, and the engineering semantic database adapted to the unified management of multiple industries was built, providing effective support for management analysis based on real 3D elements. (2) The real 3D space-time management result database and the real three-dimensional scene sequence database was established, which enriches the expression dimension of management scenes and helps to strengthen on-site management. (3) The application practice of this technology in the integrated traffic project played an important role in cross-industry planning, scheduling and project risk control. (4) The research results can provide references for cross-industry engineering project management.
Received: 30 June 2023
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