The Influence of Vertical Curve on Track Dynamic Irregularity for High-speed Railway |
YANG Fei1, SUN Xianfu1, NING Yingzhi1, LIU Bingqiang2, TAN Shehui3, LIANG Chen1 |
1. China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing 100081, China; 2. China State Railway Group Co. Ltd, Beijing 100844, China; 3. China Railway Shanghai Group Co. Ltd, Shanghai 200071, China |
Abstract Research purposes: There are the long-term problems of long-wave longitudinal irregularity overrun and poor comfort in some vertical curve sections of high-speed railway. Based on a large number of dynamic detection data, the influence of vertical curve parameter setting on track dynamic irregularity was analyzed. The parameter optimization strategy of the actual vertical curve was proposed, which comprehensively considered the long-wave longitudinal irregularity and vehicle vertical acceleration. Research conclusions: (1) When the length of the vertical curve is greater than the maximum cut-off wavelength of dynamic detection, the long-wave longitudinal irregularity presents a pair of approximately symmetrical simple harmonic waves at the beginning and end of the vertical curve, which peak direction is consistent with the actual situation. When the length of the vertical curve is less than the maximum cut-off wavelength of dynamic detection, the two peaks of this pair of simple harmonic waves in the vertical curve section will be combined into one peak, and the amplitude is about twice that of the original. (2) When the design speed is 350 km/h and the minimum vertical curve radius is 25 000 m, the vehicle vertical acceleration reaches 0.59 m/s2, which exceeds the empirical value of 0.40 m/s2. (3) Under the design speed of 350 km/h and 300 km/h, when the slope algebraic difference is greater than or equal to 3.3‰, the actual minimum vertical curve radius should be 25 000 m. When it is less than 3.3‰, 30 000 m should be taken. Under the design speed of 250 km/h, when the slope algebraic difference is greater than or equal to 2.8‰, the actual minimum vertical curve radius should be 20 000 m. When it is less than 2.8‰, 25 000 m should be taken. (4) The practice of fine adjustment proves that increasing the radius of vertical curve can significantly reduce the long-wave longitudinal irregularity in the vertical curve section and improve passenger comfort, which provides theoretical support and effective methods for the maintenance and repair of high-speed railway lines.
Received: 18 May 2022
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