Time-varying Influence of Newly-built Underpass Road on the Shape and Position of High-speed Railway Bridge |
SONG Xuming, BAO Shipeng |
Central South University, Changsha,Hunan 410075, China |
Abstract Research purposes: A time-varying finite element model of soft soil foundation-bridge-track integration was established based on a continuous beam bridge under high-speed railway. The time-varying laws of track shape, pile internal force and pile side friction were analyzed, and the influence degree of soil parameters on track shape and position was studied. Research conclusions: (1) The change of track shape and position of high-speed railway bridge tends to converge in about 8 years, the vertical deformation of soft soil foundation is greatly affected by subgrade surcharge, and the relative value of vertical displacement increment of pier top during consolidation can reach 159%, so the monitoring of pier displacement after construction should be strengthened. (2) After the subgrade filling, the negative friction appeared on the upper part of the bridge pile foundation, and the additional axial force reached the maximum at the buried depth of 30~40 m (neutral point). (3) The three parameters that are most sensitive to the vertical displacement of the track in the modified Cambridge constitutive model are the slope of the normal consolidation curve, the slope of the critical state line and the curvature constant of the yield surface cap. The above parameters should be reasonably selected according to the results of the geotechnical test. (4) The results of the research could provide construction references for the change of high-speed railway track deformation.
Received: 04 March 2022
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