Study on Deformation Control Technology of Soft Hard Interbedded Tunnel with High Ground Stress |
GUO Qinghao |
China Railway Fifth Survey and Design Institute Group Co. Ltd, Beijing 102600, China |
Abstract Research purposes: During the construction of western mountain tunnels, there are often phenomena such as high ground stress, high geological disasters, and broken and weak surrounding rocks, which lead to poor stability of surrounding rocks, cracking of support systems, and large deformation caused by compression during tunnel construction. Due to the action of its own joint surface, the surrounding rock of the interbedded rock mass is relatively broken, the overall strength is reduced, and it is anisotropic. During the tunnel excavation, asymmetric large deformation is very easy to occur, which threatens the safety and progress of the site construction. In this paper, based on Jianshan tunnel project of Zhongwei-Lanzhou passenger dedicated line, the deformation mechanism of interbedded tunnel under high ground stress is analyzed by discrete element method, and the deformation control measures are proposed accordingly. Research conclusions: (1) For the soft and hard interbedded tunnel under high ground stress, attention should be paid to the proportion of soft rock and hard rock content and the inclination of rock stratum, and the surrounding rock support around the whole excavation section should be strengthened in the part where soft rock accounts for a large proportion. (2) Based on the comprehensive analysis of surrounding rock deformation plastic zone and construction factors, the method of reserved core soil has more obvious applicability for soft and hard interbedded tunnels with high stress. (3) In view of the asymmetric deformation of the soft and hard interbeds, it is suggested to control the deformation by asymmetric arrangement of advance support + arrangement of anchor rods at large angles of the joint surface. (4) The research results of this paper can provide reference for the excavation and support of soft and hard interbedded tunnels with high ground stress.
Received: 26 August 2022
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