Study on the Influence of the Relationship between Fault and Tunnel Location on Water Inrush |
FU Helin1, AN Pengtao2, WU Yimin1 |
1. Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075, China; 2. Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi 530004, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In order to explore the influence mechanism of the relationship between fault and tunnel position on water inflow, this paper built a simplified calculation model of tunnel water inflow, deduced the calculation expressions of tunnel water inflow and external water pressure of structure, tested the rationality of the simplified calculation model of tunnel water inflow and the correctness of formula derivation based on engineering cases, and studied the sensitivity of characteristic parameters, to reveal the influence law of fault on tunnel water inflow. Research conclusions: (1) With the increase of fault dip angle, when the seepage is stable, the water inflow of the tunnel decreases and the external water pressure of the support structure increases gradually. (2) In the case project, the theoretical value of the water head height of the secondary support structure in the non fault section is 4.5% higher than the real value, the theoretical value of the outer edge water head height of the secondary support structure in the single fault section is 6.7% higher than the real value, and the theoretical value of the water inflow in the combined fault section is 8.3% lower than the real value. (3) The law of sudden water inrush in tunnels in fault areas revealed in this article can provide theoretical guidance for the practical application of waterproofing and drainage systems similar to tunnel engineering.
Received: 29 October 2021
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