Regional Geological Structure Characteristics and Stability Analysis of Jinsha River Bridge |
CHAI Chunyang, ZHANG Guangze, ZHANG Xiaolin, LUO Liangcheng, ZHANG Ming |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Located in the Tiger Leaping Gorge area of northwest Yunnan Province, the Jinsha River Bridge is affected greatly by the outer strong earthquake zone. The structural environment of the project area is very complicated, includes fault structures, strong neotectonic movement and frequent earthquake. In history, the maximum intensity affected by earthquake is Ⅷ. Based on the data obtained from field survey, drilling, geophysical prospecting, adit exploration and indoor and outdoor experiments recently, this paper has analyzed and studied the characteristics of regional active faults, seismicity and structural stability, which provides a scientific basis for the comparison and selection of bridge positions. Research conclusions: (l) The near-field area presents a tectonic pattern of fault blocks, which is manifested as intermittent overall uplift of fault blocks themselves since the Neoid. In general, the earth stress is mainly horizontal stress. (2) Active faults develop in the region, and the Zhongdian-Longpan-Qiaohou fault which has been active obviously since the Holocene, has the greatest influence on bridge engineering. With 7.9 degrees of the intensity of 50-years 10% overshoot probability and 226.7g of the peak acceleration of bedrock, there is still the possibility of multiple earthquakes of magnitude 7 or above in the next 100 years at the bridge site. (3) With the poor structural stability of the project area, the bridge should pass through the areas with low site stability index by choosing the best from the worst. (4) The research result has guiding significance for the planning site selection and engineering construction of bridge projects in active structural areas.
Received: 20 June 2023
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