Study on Improvement of Overarching Deformation of Ballastless Track Subgrade of High-speed Railway |
YUAN Congjun |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: With the rapid development of high-speed railway in China, the coverage of high-speed railway network is getting larger, the geological conditions tend to be diversified and complicated, and there are many types of diseases in the operation process. Among them, the overarching deformation problem on ballastless track subgrade has emerged in recent years, which seriously affects the track comfort and driving safety. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply study the mechanism of overarching deformation and treatment plan to ensure the safety of high-speed railway operation. Research conclusions: (1) The content of calcium sulfate mineral associated with pyrite in the subgrade filler of high-speed railway should be noted, which combines with water and absorbs crystal water to form calcium sulfate dihydrate, resulting in volume expansion of 2.68%~ 6%. (2) The deformation law of the upper arch is that the expansion of the upper arch increases continuously due to the continuous increase of the water content of the filler under the low temperature of light rain in winter and spring. In summer and autumn, water loss occurs after heating up and evaporation, and the trend of the expansion of the upper arch weakens when the water content decreases. The depth of the expansion deformation influenced by atmospheric precipitation is about 1 ~ 2.3 m. (3) The overall force of the expansion packing unit under the track plate is under non-rigid finite constraint, and the empirical reduction coefficients of the surface and bottom layers of the foundation bed should be 0.45 and 0.55, respectively. (4) Different schemes should be adopted under different limiting conditions. Before opening or under the condition of single line blockade, the uncovering and open digging method can be adopted. Under the condition of speed limiting operation and skylight, the underground digging replacement scheme can be adopted. (5) The above schemes have obvious effects, and the successful remediation experience can provide references for similar projects in the future.
Received: 20 June 2023
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