Research on the Adaptability of ZK Load Schema to High-speed Railway with the Velocity of 400 km/h |
LI Kebing, WANG Li, BAN Xinlin, SU Yonghua |
China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract Research purposes: ZK Load Schema was formulated without considering the design speed of 400 km/h and above. With the rule of dynamic response of operating live load not greater than dynamic response of design live load, the adaptability of ZK Load Schema to the design and operation of high-speed railway with the velocity of 400 km/h was researched by dynamic analysis of moving load train model, the influence of fundamental frequency on the adaptability of ZK Load Schema was analyzed, and the design fundamental frequency limit value of common span simply-supported beams applied in high-speed railway with the velocity of 400 km/h was offered. Research conclusions: (1) Taking 440 km/h and 480 km/h as the speed of check-calculation, dynamic responses of simply-supported beams decreased rapidly as natural frequency increased in the range of 5 ~7 Hz. (2) Adjusting the frequencies of simply-supported beams was recommended to assure that dynamic responses of design live load could envelop the dynamic responses of operating live load when 400 km/h high-speed railway bridges was designed with ZK Load Schema. (3) The design fundamental frequency limits of simply-supported beams for high-speed railway with the speed of 400 km/h could be confirmed according to the requirements of 1.1 times of design speed that is 440 km/h, and the suggested fundamental frequency limits of 20 m, 24 m, 32 m and 48 m concrete simply-supported beams were separately 6.2 Hz, 5.8 Hz, 5.1 Hz and 5.1 Hz. (4) The research ideas and results can provide a reference for the design of high-speed railway bridges with the velocity of 400 km/h and the revision of specification.
Received: 25 November 2021
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