Study on the Side Anchor Block of Jintang Island of Xihoumen Rail-road Bridge |
YAN Aiguo, WANG Pengyu, LIU Zhenbiao, WANG Zhiping |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The main bridge of Xihoumen Rail-road bridge is a combined cable-stayed and suspension structure with a main span of 1 488 m. The anchor block of Jintang island is located in the low mountain and hilly area. The supporting layer of the foundation is slightly weathered dacite with weak permeability and high bearing capacity. Through the comparison and selection of the anchorage schemes, the section form of the rear anchorage chamber, the form of the construction passage, etc., an economical and reasonable anchorage structure suitable for hard rock is selected as a reference for similar projects. Research conclusions: (1)The gravity anchor, tunnel anchor and rock anchor were compared and selected. The rock anchor was superior to other anchor types in terms of structural stress characteristics, economy and environment. The rock anchor was recommended. (2)The vertical rear anchor chamber was recommended for its simple construction and easy quality assurance. The two construction access forms of vertical shaft and inclined shaft were compared and selected. (3)The inclined shaft did not need lifting equipment during the construction, and the construction process was simple. The inclined shaft form was recommended. (4)The research results can provide reference for rock anchorage design of suspension bridges.
Received: 23 April 2023
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