Optimization of Vertical Curve Smoothness in High-speed Railway and Its Engineering Application |
TAN Shehui1, SHI Jin2, ZHANG Yuxiao2 |
1. China Railway Shanghai Group Co.Ltd, Shanghai 200071, China; 2. Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Under the condition of high-speed operation, the relationship between alignment and passenger riding comfort is closer. The reasonable setting of vertical curve radius is of great significance to improve smoothness. Based on the dynamic and static detected data of high-speed railway, this paper analyzes that the main factor causing the dynamic detection data overrun in vertical curve section is not the track geometry, but the setting of vertical curve parameters. Combined with the design principle of vertical curve in high-speed railway, a vertical curve optimization method is proposed to reasonably increase the radius of vertical curve and improve track smoothness. The vertical curve optimization method is applied to formulate the accurate adjustment operation plan of the vertical curve overrun section in a high-speed railway, and the operation effect is verified. Research conclusions: (1)Through dynamic simulation, the recommended vertical curve radius of fine adjustment operation corresponding to the speeds of 250 km/h, 300 km/h and 350 km/h are 22 500 m, 29 500 m and 35 000 m respectively.(2)The operation plan implementation results show that the short wave vertical irregularity of 42 m decreases by 48.21%, the long wave vertical irregularity of 120 m decreases by 30.62%; The level Ⅱ warning of vertical acceleration of vehicle shaking instrument decreased from 11.4 times a day to 2.0 times.(3)The research results can provide reference for the track precise adjustment and standard setting of vertical curves in high-speed railway.
Received: 17 August 2022
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