Research on Engineering Geologic Investigation of Algeria East - West Highway |
HAN Xin |
China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation,Beijing 100038,China |
Abstract Research purposes: For a gigantic project as Algeria East - West Highway,a tremendous amount of surveying needs to be conducted within a limited construction period. The natural factors such as hypsography, geomorphic units and formation lithology,and other external factors,for example,location of project in a foreign country,application of European standard,usage of French as working language,etc,make the engineering geological survey a rarely difficult task. A retrospective on the research of engineering geological survey of Algeria East - West Highway which has already opened to the traffic,is expected to offer beneficial references to projects that are to be realized in the similar regions.
Research conclusions: The analysis allows to reach the following conclusions: ( 1) The unfaverable geological condition is mainly consisted of landslide and karst and the specific rock and soil is mainly formed by marlite and expansive soil. ( 2) The clauses stupulating no arrangement of reconnaissance point in the European Standards need to be neatly applied by engineers. ( 3) The lateral pressure test is irreplaceable for the structural design,the hole pressure test with water level gauge must be adopted in the drilling; and the deep displacement test can offer quantitive basis for the judgement of glide plane. ( 4) The readability of survey report and professional design that are combined in the filing facilitates design examination and constuction management.
Received: 16 June 2011
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