Design and Analysis of Anti-collision and Collision Resistance Measures of A Pier |
ZHANG Zhi-guo,ZHUO Yi |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300 142,China |
Abstract Research purposes:With increasing the average size and traffic of vessels,the ship anti-collision and resistance design of super major bridges crossing navigable waters have become an important problem.This paper takes a prestressed concrete reinforced concrete bridge of a railway line of passenger traffic as an example compared the ship collision forces calculated according to 3 types of domestic and overseas Codes,comprehensively researched the ship collision resistance measures SO as to offer the reference for bridge pier anti-collision design.
Research conclusions:(1)The ship collision forces has been calculated according to 3 types of the Chinese General Code for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts,Chinese Fundamental Code for Design on Railway Bridge and Culvert and AASHTO.Furtherly,the models of the whole bridge and the piers are established by the finite element program MIDAS,the corresponding calculation has been repeatedly made and it is obtained from the calculation that the maximum ship collision force of main pier can sustain in the transverse direction of bridge is 1 3.62 MN,larger than the collision design force 9.62 MN calculated by the two types of the domestic codes,all meet the requirements set of codes. (2)The combination collision resistance measure of collision piers and cable protection has been set to protect main piers.the maximum collision force results of pier show that every steel tube concrete collision pier can sustain 55%and50%lateral and longitudinal design collision force.(3)This paper provides the theoretical evidence for super major bridge pier of a passenger dedicated line and also provides the valuable reference meanings to the study on bridge pier anti-collision research.
Received: 18 June 2013
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