Analysis of Distribution Characteristics of Permafrost along Xiangride -Huashixia Highway in EastQinghai- Tibet P lateau |
ZHAO Xiang- qing, YANG Yong- peng, HAN Long- wu, XU B ing- ku,i CHENG Jia |
N orthw est Research Inst itute Co. Ltd of CREC, Lanzhou, G ansu 730000, Ch ina |
Abstract Research purposes: The planed X iangride - Huashix iaH ighw ay is located in Q inghai Prov ince, w ith tota leng th of 156. 61 km, Starting in X iangride to connect the G109 NationalH ighw ay, and ending inHuash ix ia to connect G214 N ationalH ighw ay. The sea level elevation o f themost parts o f the section betw een K 88 + 200 and K 156 + 610 w ith to tal length of 68. 41 km is above 4 000m and the highest sea level elevat ion is 4 445. 647m in the Zhuow oy i gap.Th isH ighway is located in the east Q ingha i- T ibet P la teau and the development edge o f of the permafrost area. This paper ana lyzes the d istribut ion characteristics and the change law o f perma frost a long the h ighw ay based on the ana lysis of the surveyed data.
Research conclusions: The ana lysis o f the surveyed data show s the permafrost in this area so closely co rre la tesw ith sea level e levation that the permafrost is m ainly located in the front and rear areas o f Zhouw oy i gap w ith the sea leve lelevation of above 4 200m. There are som e residual perma frost in the area of lacustr ine so ilw ith sea level elevation o f 4 000~ 4 200 m . The permafrost a long the highw ay is in degenerate status and the perma frost on the south slope is degenerated seriously and the temperature of north slope is low er than south slope.
Received: 02 December 2010
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