Simulating Calculation and Analysis of the Impact of 2CMutualDeviation on Accuracy of CPIII Plane Network |
ZHANG Xu- feng1, LIU Cheng- long1, CHEN Shu1, ZHENG Zi- tian2 |
ZHANG Xu- feng1, LIU Cheng- long1, CHEN Shu1, ZHENG Zi- tian2 |
Abstract Research purposes: The random error wh ich conformed to the norm al d istr ibution w as appended to the observed date o f CPIII netw ork to simu late the 2C mutua l dev iat ion under the prem ise o f meeting the requ irement o f re lative po int position accuracy of CP?? ne tw ork, and also the tight and precise est imation method for calcu lation of the indirect ad justment ofm arg in netw ork w as used for exp loring the impact o f 2C mutual dev iation on the accuracy o f CPIII plane netw ork.
Research conclusions: The va lue of 2C mutua l deviat ion w as simulated by add ing the random error confo rmed to the norma l distribu tion, and the simu lation calcu lation o f the partia l date of one passenger dedicated line w as made,acco rd ing to the fie ld observationm ethod and features as w e ll as measurement situat ion of ballastless track CPIII p lane netw ork . The ana lysi resu lt show ed the 2C mutua l deviat ion has certain impact on the accuracy o fCPIII plane netw ork. But under the prem ise o f hav ing good in itial calcu lation data and little pro ject ion distort ion, the main measurement prec isions o f CPIII p lane netwo rk could meet the specificat ion requ irement by w iden ing the 2C mutual dev iation to 15 seconds. Such w idening the 2C mutual dev iation cou ld enhance the measurement efficiency o f CPIII p lane netw ork and prov ide he fundam enta l data for the rev ision and improvement o f the eng ineering survey specif ication for h igh- speed ra ilw ay.
Received: 24 July 2010
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