New Technology of Laying Ballast Turnout ofHigh- speed Railway |
YANG Hong- wei |
The X inyun Eng ineering C o. L td, China R ailw ay F irst Group Co. Ltd, X ianyang, Shanx i 712000, Ch ina |
Abstract Research purposes: Lay ing turn ou t is the key po int and one of the most difficult w orks in construction o f high- speed railw ay. The tradit iona l construction m ethods can not meet the standards and requ irements of lay ing the turnout of h igh- speed railw ay. So the study has to be done on the new techno logy o f lay ing ballast turnout o f highspeed ra ilw ay to improve the quality and efficiency of lay ing turnout.
Research conclusions: For lay ing the turnouts of N ingbo- Taizhou - Wenzhou Passenger Ded icated L ine, the base platform for assembling the turnout of high - speed railw ay has been deve loped in China fo r the first tim e, and the comp le te techno log ies of pre- assembling the turnout o f high- speed railw ay on the base, transporting the ent ire turnout unit and turnout lay ing have been deve loped to realize the factory, mechan iza tion and spec ialization constructions of the turnout lay ing base for high - speed railw ay. Th is comp letely conforms to the technical requ irement o f theM inistry o f Railw ays for lay ing the turnout of h igh- speed railw ay. This new complete construction technolog ies are advanced and reasonab le and can be as the reference to the sim ilar wo rks. By using th is complete technolog ies, the qua lity and effic iency of lay ing the turnout o f h igh- speed ra ilw ay can be enhanced effective ly, the construction period can bemuch shortened and the construct ion cost can be cut.
Received: 20 December 2010
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