Study on TBM Construction and Application of Bolt- shotcrete Support in Construction of LongWater Transfer Tunnel |
ZHANG Jun- wei1, MEI Zhi- rong2, TANG Yu3 |
1. Ch ina Academy o fR ailw ay Sc iences, Be ijing 100081, China; 2. Southw est Research Institute Co. L td of CREC,Chengdu, S ichuan 610031, Ch ina; 3. Liaon ing RunzhongW ater Supp ly C o. Ltd, Shenyang, L iaon ing 110000, Ch ina |
Abstract Research purposes: The studyw as done on the se lection o f lining structure type, support design and support techno logy for long w ater transfer tunnel in the area w ith unfavorable geolog ical cond itions fo rmak ing a optima l design and fast construction o f the tunne lw ith TBM and providing the reference to the sim ilar works.
Research conclusions: The construction program o f open- typeTBM + the composite lining ( bo lt- sho tcrete support+final lin ing ) w as used successfu lly for construction o f D ahuo fang w ater transfer tunnel accord ing to the w a ll rock condition. App lication o f the comp leted composite structure of bolt- sho tcrete + fina l lining to rep lace segment lining not on ly agreed w ith the design idea o fNATM (N ew Australian Tunne lM ethod) , but a lso so lved the problems in sealing w ater and draining w ater and saved a lot of lands and investm ents.
Received: 02 August 2010
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