Technology for Disposing Continuous Collapse of Lajishan Tunnel with Soil MouldingMethod |
WANG Xu- x ing |
Ch ina Railw ay Tenth Group Co. Ltd, Jinan, Shandong 255001, China |
Abstract Research purposes: W ith the rapid deve lopments of highw ay and ra ilw ay, more and more tunnels are being and w ill be bu ilt in the mounta in area w ith comp licated geo log ica l conditions w here w as the forb idden zone o f the highw ay and railw ay construct ion in the pas,t w ith more and bigger construct ion diff icu lt ies. It is necessary to do the continuous research on how to rap id ly and e ffect ive construct the tunnel in area w ith complicated geolog ical cond itions and the fault area.
Research conclusions: The so ilmoulding method w as used for construction of Lajishan Tunnel in a co llapse area. The safety and process o f tunnel construction in the cont inuous co llapse area w ere guaranteed by using this m ethod. Rap id filling so i,l form ing closure so ilmo ld, the top stable and consolidated surface of the soilmou ld exceeding the excavation line and synchronically pre- bury ing the p ipes are cruc ia l to disposing co llapse w ith soilmou ld ing method. The genera larch dep th of concrete is mo re than 1m. The construction princip le, construct ion procedure and caut ion presen ted in th is paper for disposing the co llapse can be the reference to construction o f the sim ilar tunnel.
Received: 30 November 2010
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