Analysis of Ground Settlement Caused by Shield Construction ofWuhan Metro with Non- equal Intervalmodel |
LUO Han- bin, LIWe i- m ing, ZHOU Guang- hui |
HuazhongU niversity o f Science and Techno logy, Wuhan, Hube i 430074, Ch ina |
Abstract Research purposes: The mon itored data on the sh ield construct ion of m etro alw ays have features of sm all vo lume and non- equalmonito ring interva.l It is difficult to f it or predict the da ta w ith the common methods.
Research conclusions: The fitt ing and pred iction w ere done fo r data on the Jiyuqiao start section of L ine 2 ofWuhan M etro by using an advanced non- equa l interva lmodelw ith a certain thresho ld. The resu lt show ed the ground settlement data could be better fit and pred icted w ith th is method on the prem ise o f small data vo lum e and non - equa l in terva lmon ito ring data. The comparison w asmade betw een the result obtained from th ismethod and the resu lt obta ined from the trad it iona l non- equal interva lmodel.
Received: 25 December 2010
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