Research on Risk Control of Passenger- dedicated Line Construction Project |
CUI L i- hong |
The Eng ineering Management Center, M in istry of Ra ilw ays, Beijing 100844, China |
Abstract Research purposes: As passenger- ded icated line construction project has the characteristics of grand scale,long construct ion period and enormous investm en,t it has the big and indeterm inate risk caused by the irresistib le factor and contretemps. Th is paper studies the risk characterist ics, r isk e ffec,t risk contro l characterist ics and risk contro l methods of passenger- ded icated line construction pro jec,t and discusses the risk contro l of passenger- ded icated line construction pro jec.t
Research conclusions: The risk characterist ics o f passenger - dedicated line construct ion pro ject dec ides that the systematic and dynam icmethodmust be used for the risk contro.l The ob ject ivemanagementm ethod is basicmethod for the risk contro.l W ith our practice c losing to the in ternational conven tiona l pract ice, the risk of passenger- dedicated line construction projectmay be avoided and d iverted by the pro ject insurance and otherw ays.
Received: 22 November 2010
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