Research on Inherent Failure Mechanism of Black Rock Slope |
MA Jian - jun |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The black rock slope along Guizhou - Guangxi High - speed Railway in Guilin of Guangxi province is easy to be destabilized due to the effect of external environment to produce the negative influence on the railway design and operation. The research was done on the inherent failure mechanism of the black rock to provide the theoretical basis for control of such slope.
Research conclusions: From the research it can be seen the conditions of black rock slope to generate weathering failure include development of joint fissure and existences of ground water flow and pyrite,and the acid water produced by the oxidation of pyrite is the major factor to cause the failure of the black rock slope. And this chemical effect can enlarge the pore space of the rock,lose and dissolve the material composition,and weaken the friction force between the particles on the rock surface. It is proposed the engineering measures of containing pyrite weathering and oxidation and the corruptive change of material composition should be taken for control of such type of slope.
Received: 20 December 2010
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