Assessment and Control of Water Loss Risk of Jinshazhou Tunnel of Wuhan -Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line |
HAN Qiang |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd. ,Wuhan,Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Water loss of the earth surface becomes more and more serious problem in construction of mountain tunnel. It's very necessary to recognize the risk of such problem and take the measures for control of such risk.
Research conclusions: Combined with construction of Jinshazhou Tunnel of Wuhan - Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line,by analyzing every fact that influences the risk of water loss,the hierarchy structure model was developed with AHP analysis method to get every factor's relative weight. Based on the sort of compound weight,the risk factors having significant impact on the water loss risk of the earth surface were distinguished,and the weak points in all aspect were found out. So the effective measures should be worked out to control and reduces the risk and the impact of the tunnel on environment for ensuring safe construction of tunnel and achieving the effective control of the risk. Such theory,method and thoughts on control of the risk could be as the reference to the similar works.
Received: 30 December 2010
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